
Well, I’ve been thinking of the essence of this work.

Trying to capture what clients need when we’re together.

It’s almost always to reveal a particularly damaging negative thought.

AND… when we get down to it —

It’s never True.


Are you in pain right now?

Are you suffering because of your thoughts about a person, a circumstance, or yourself?

Something you THINK someone has done to you?

Something you THINK you have done to someone else?

Or something you think you Are or Are Not?

Let’s take a look.

I am poor! (A statement – a thought -a belief – and an untrue one at that.)

Turn it into a question.

Am I really poor?

As Byron Katie would say, “Is it absolutely true?”

Ask yourself “Is it absolutely true that I am really poor?”

Now. Look at the facts.

Do you absolutely have nothing?  Are you poor in money? In Spirit?  There are many ways to be poor – socially, emotionally, poor in health, poorly educated, poor in family connections, etc.

Do you have absolutely no access to prosperity?   I doubt it very much.  I’m pretty sure you can find some way you are Not poor.

So now you see that you were telling your self a lie.

Now you see you have some things.  Yes?

You are prosperous in some ways? Yes?

Now this new thought (I have some things)  will be you’re jumping off point to a better life.

Why?  Because  your thoughts create how you feel and how you feel influences how you act and how you act causes the outcomes in your life.

When you look at the ways you are not poor then you will also see that you are in fact, not poor! And you’ve been telling yourself a lie that is actually harming you and your access to more prosperity.

It harms you because it affects other thoughts about having richness in your life AND those thoughts attract more like thoughts that harm you and you create the “poor me” syndrome. But you can shift out of that.

The point is that if you want to feel better you have to challenge your negative thinking, not only because it’s not true, but because it’s harming you.

Lets look at another one:

“I am responsible for things that happen to others?”

Turn it around.  Ask a question?

Am I responsible for things that happen to others?

Find the facts. There is actually very little that we can ‘make happen’ in other people’s lives.

Look  instead, for reasons that people are responsible for themselves.

Don’t try and steal their power.

Stop beating yourself up for what has happened to other people.

It really doesn’t help them or you.

The only thing you are truly responsible for is You.

Choose your thoughts deliberately.

Challenge the ones that harm you.


Excerpts from “Soul Steps: 52 Ways to Reconnect with Spirit” May 2017 DRC Publishing



The “Bad” Experiences are Just as Valuable as the “Good” Experiences.


Do you label your experiences as Good or Bad?

Your feelings as Right or Wrong?

Both are equally valuable.

Both lead you to turn in the direction of what you want and where you want to go.

Both help refine your choices.

Don’t discount those rocky roads.

Don’t abandon something because it’s “just too tough” or “not what you expected.”

The rewards, the learning, and the sense of accomplishment is on the other side of discomfort.

Rocky roads are bumpy, tedious, and sometimes super slow!

Instead of giving up or thinking “this is so hard it just can’t be right.”

Realign your thoughts.

Know that You CAN Do Hard Things.

Tell yourself.

“I CAN Do Hard Things.”

Because the truth is … you Can!

On the other side of discomfort is more confidence and a knowingness that you CAN do what needs to be done when getting where you want to go.

Don’t let discomfort turn you away from an exceptional learning experience or from exceptional outcomes.

Realign your thoughts.

Keep moving towards what you want.

Know you have the ability to get through tough situations.


Learn to Create the Life You Want






Go to your closet and pick an outfit that you feel great in. Can’t find one? Pick the everyday outfit you feel best in.

Comb your closet for a few others like this that you can mix and match and let that be your wardrobe. Wear only what you feel good in! Feeling good is the optimal phrase here.

Some people suggest you pick your “ultimate goal” outfit. I’m suggesting that along with your current cloths ( that you feel good in) you also pick a goal outfit for motivation but don’t make it your “ultimate” goal make it your “next” goal. Choose something that’s close to where you are right now instead of 3 sizes smaller.

Your “next” goal outfit may be something that’s a little too tight but maybe a 1/2 size or a size too small.

Make it achievable. Make it believable.

You need to believe you can reach your goal. You need to feel it in order to make it happen.

Once you’ve made this little leap and you’re in the “next” goal outfit, pick another three at this new level and wear them while you make your next shift in weight loss.

You get the idea. From here, from this new plateau things look brighter. From here pick your new goal outfit all over again. Again, it should be close to where you are now and not a distant 4 sizes away. You want to move into the energy with ease.

With these small steps you’ll build momentum to reach your ultimate goals in size, weight, and health.

You’re more likely to stay the course when a few more steps will get you to a new level instead of a few thousand steps.

Reach for the stars! But try star hopping.
Do it in a way that’s attainable.
Do it in a way that feels easy.
Do it in a way that feels good.


Being Kind Doesn’t Mean Coddling

You want to reach a goal – write a book, run a marathon, or lose 20 pounds.

You’ve learned to be kind and gentle with your self as you move through any process.

But kind doesn’t mean coddling.

Just because you don’t feel like doing something doesn’t mean it must be wrong for you or is unkind.

Going too easy on yourself is another way of lying, another path to self-deception.

Reaching your goals requires you to follow through.

Don’t coddle yourself out of the life you want.

Be willing to do what’s needed to realize your vision.

VC InSpired Messages



Accept That The Road Is Crooked


Knowing what you want and believing you can have it are 2 different things.

Knowing what you want and accepting the crooked road to getting there is another kettle of fish altogether.

The road to weight loss is not a straight one:

You’ll start and stop.
You’ll use tools that work and then stop using them.
You’ll be thrilled with your progress and then again, not so thrilled.
You’ll even finally understand how it all works and ignore it anyway.

None of these results are a reason to give up.

Let’s be honest. The great things in life are great because it requires something of you to get there.

It requires a “digging deep” adventure of the psyche, emotions, body, and Spirit.

So when you’ve done a 180 and turned towards the dark side, remember what you want. Reconnect with your desire. Re-establish your commitment to using the tools that work for you.

There’s always another 180 waiting that’ll reconnect you with success.

The road’s not straight, it’s crooked. The journey’s not shallow, it’s deep.

And so are you.

VC InSpired Messages
