The “Bad” Experiences are Just as Valuable as the “Good” Experiences.


Do you label your experiences as Good or Bad?

Your feelings as Right or Wrong?

Both are equally valuable.

Both lead you to turn in the direction of what you want and where you want to go.

Both help refine your choices.

Don’t discount those rocky roads.

Don’t abandon something because it’s “just too tough” or “not what you expected.”

The rewards, the learning, and the sense of accomplishment is on the other side of discomfort.

Rocky roads are bumpy, tedious, and sometimes super slow!

Instead of giving up or thinking “this is so hard it just can’t be right.”

Realign your thoughts.

Know that You CAN Do Hard Things.

Tell yourself.

“I CAN Do Hard Things.”

Because the truth is … you Can!

On the other side of discomfort is more confidence and a knowingness that you CAN do what needs to be done when getting where you want to go.

Don’t let discomfort turn you away from an exceptional learning experience or from exceptional outcomes.

Realign your thoughts.

Keep moving towards what you want.

Know you have the ability to get through tough situations.


Learn to Create the Life You Want




Don’t Let Your Opinion Keep You Stuck In Pain

So are you in pain today?

Are you suffering from what’s happening in your life?

Pain comes from wanting something to be different than it is.

Are you wanting something to be different than it is?

Practise this great technique: separate fact from fiction.

The facts are the circumstances:  Your job is changing. Your bank account is low.  There’s illness in your family.

The fiction is what’s happening inside your head!

It’s your opinion ABOUT the circumstances.

Usually this opinion is not based on fact but on some pretty big fears.

Don’t let your opinion keep you stuck in pain.

Identify the facts.

Then focus on where you want to go.

Think about how you would like to feel.  How you want things to be.

The pain is optional.

If you Know of someone in your life feeling stuck in a painful opinion then please go ahead and share this post.   

If you’re in pain yourself and would like to comment on the fact or fiction in your situation please leave a “heart to heart” comment below.  I ‘d love to hear from you.


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