
Go to your closet and pick an outfit that you feel great in. Can’t find one? Pick the everyday outfit you feel best in.

Comb your closet for a few others like this that you can mix and match and let that be your wardrobe. Wear only what you feel good in! Feeling good is the optimal phrase here.

Some people suggest you pick your “ultimate goal” outfit. I’m suggesting that along with your current cloths ( that you feel good in) you also pick a goal outfit for motivation but don’t make it your “ultimate” goal make it your “next” goal. Choose something that’s close to where you are right now instead of 3 sizes smaller.

Your “next” goal outfit may be something that’s a little too tight but maybe a 1/2 size or a size too small.

Make it achievable. Make it believable.

You need to believe you can reach your goal. You need to feel it in order to make it happen.

Once you’ve made this little leap and you’re in the “next” goal outfit, pick another three at this new level and wear them while you make your next shift in weight loss.

You get the idea. From here, from this new plateau things look brighter. From here pick your new goal outfit all over again. Again, it should be close to where you are now and not a distant 4 sizes away. You want to move into the energy with ease.

With these small steps you’ll build momentum to reach your ultimate goals in size, weight, and health.

You’re more likely to stay the course when a few more steps will get you to a new level instead of a few thousand steps.

Reach for the stars! But try star hopping.
Do it in a way that’s attainable.
Do it in a way that feels easy.
Do it in a way that feels good.


Love Your Body … Love Your Life : Momentum

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Newton’s Law of Motion – An object in motion stays in motion.

​Until… it’s acted upon by an external source.

The motion makes it easier to stay in motion because of momentum.
Which way is your momentum going or do you even have momentum?
Are you moving towards your goals or in the opposite direction?

Example: You’ve been eating well and are being fairly conscious of what you consume. Then you go on vacation and you give yourself permission to eat what you want. When you get home you continue to eat the same way you ate on vacation but you’ve picked up momentum in this area and are getting more and more habitual with your practice of eating what you want.

So now, you have a choice. Do you continue to let the momentum carry you in the direction of unconscious eating or do you STOP, and choose differently. In order to do this you have to make a conscious choice to be the force that acts upon the object in motion. In this case the object is YOU eating willy nilly.

Once you make the decision to change your course of action then your momentum will be lost. In this case it’s a good thing, because you want to stop that fast moving train and turn it around.

Now you have the opportunity to build momentum in a new direction. Do it by moving one foot in front of the other. Take small actionable steps towards eating healthier and more consciously:

-Drink one more glass of water a day
-eat 2 more fruits and vegetables a day
-decide to have only one treat every day instead of three

After a few days you’ll begin to build momentum in the direction of eating healthy again and more quickly regain focus on your goals.

Getting momentum on your side will effect the gap between you and what you want, just be aware of your direction.

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