

I write this blog because I believe in living consciously and in order to do that I’ve had to take action.  For years I’ve read about spiritual growth and even changed a little along the way, but the big change came when I experienced a severe illness that caused a major shift in my consciousness.   Lots of people will tell you that a near death experience brings an awakening of sorts and it does.  It wakes you up instantly to seeing the truth of your life.  It helps you see who and what is really important.  But then you have to start living a life that aligns with that new truth!  I like figuring out how to do that.  

This blog is about that realignment and how to live it daily.   Life just keeps getting better with each new turn of the mind, each new shift of  emotion, and each new change in behaviour. It all comes with a willingness to live from the heart instead of the head!  Isn’t that enlightenment- opening your heart more each day.  Becoming more compassionate towards yourself and others in the process.

In this blog you’ll find real ways to practise just that – opening your heart so you can connect more deeply with your truest Self and the ones you love in your life! Even that circle expands when you practise living with deliberate intention. 

Join me  daily for a Quick Shift to a Deliberate Life, Veronica

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Veronica Connors, M.Ed., CSLC

Change Your Life, One Thought at a Time

Find Relief, One Feeling at a Time

Spiritual Life Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Self Mastery  & Meditation Teacher




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