83 Problems are Normal, Change is to be Expected, Self Mastery is your Freedom

There’s a story about Buddha’s 84th Problem.  Have you heard it?

There’s an old farmer who went to the Buddha seeking help for his problems.  Either droughts or monsoons made his work difficult, he complained to Buddha.  What’s more, he grumbled, even though he loved his wife, there were certain things about her he wanted to change. Likewise his children – yes, he loved them, but they weren’t turning out quite the way he wanted.

” I’m sorry, but I can’t help you, ” Buddha told the farmer.

“What do you mean?” railed the farmer. ” You’re supposed to be the great One, the all wise and knowing Teacher!”

“All human beings have 83 problems,” the Buddha replied. “A few problems may go away, but soon enough others will arise.

“So, we’ll always have 83 problems?” the farmer asked indignantly, “Then what’s the good of all your teaching?”

The Buddha answered, “My teachings cannot help with your unique set of 83 problems because that’s  part of why you’e here – to experience them and grow, but perhaps my teaching can help you with your 84th problem?”

“What’s that?” asked the farmer.

“The 84th problem is that you don’t want to have any problems.”

You will always have problems.  Life is always changing.  But becoming the master of your Self and knowing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience will bring freedom to all your experiences.

Self mastered individuals learn to release their ego attachments. They learn to manage their minds, rehabilitate their emotions, and raise their personal vibration and so can you.

How happy you are is directly proportional to how tied you are to a certain outcome, situation, or the actions, comments, and thoughts of others.

How happy your are is directly proportional to how free you choose to be.

You can choose freedom. The choice comes in the thoughts you choose to think and the emotions you create based on your thoughts.

You can free yourself from perceived suffering …

One thought at a time.

One feeling at a time.

VC Inspiration

Veronica Connors, M.Ed., CSLC


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Self Mastery

Self Mastery is practicing awareness in all areas of the Self – emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual.

Emotional maturity is taking care of your own emotional needs so you don’t expect others to do it for you.

Managing your mind involves using your thoughts to create positive results in your life and cleaning up your  thinking and  beliefs that continue to create negative outcomes for you.

Self care and listening to your body’s wisdom is essential to creating a healthy relationship with yourself.  Giving yourself permission to do this is one of the first steps to self mastery.

And connection to Spirit is about getting quiet, making space for solitude, and learning to let your Spirit  lead you through your day instead of allowing your ego-mind to use defensiveness and exclusion to keep you from the life and love you want.

All of these components lead to a more peaceful life.

There are small easy Self-Mastery tools that help you create homeostasis.

It takes effort but it’s doable!  And you don’t need to be 100% self mastered to create a more peaceful life.

51% practice is enough to tip the scales in your direction.

Just take one small step in any area to start living a more conscious life.  As always it begins with you.

By: Veronica 

VC InSpired Messages

Change your life one thought at a time. 

Create relief one feeling at a time.

