To Be Grateful OR Not To Be Grateful


A growing body of research continues to support that an attitude of gratitude has tons of benefits – it improves your relationships and helps you feel like you’re bonding better with others. It improves your emotional well being because you release those good feeling hormones in the brain when you think thoughts that feel good. It also improves your health because it has been shown to calm anxiety, help you sleep better, and decrease feelings of depression.

But gratitude is not just about keeping a journal or saying thank you. In order for gratitude to truly transform your life it’s important to:

  • Feel the gratitude in your body because it’s a practise, it involves both a mental and emotional shift.
  • Lessen the activities that are the opposite of gratitude. The practise of gratitude is not just shifting into the feeling of appreciation but also shifting out of unappreciative habits that keep you in low energy.  Habits like:
    • complaining
    • blaming
    • criticizing
    • having an irritable disposition
    • raging at other drivers
    • rushing around with your kids

If you want the benefits of gratitude you also need to look at how you’re blocking gratitude in your life.  How can you STOP the block of gratitude? It’s an important part of creating the life you want.

To truly create the positive flow of energy that gratitude brings, you may want to make this shift – consciously choose gratitude but also be consciously aware of when you’re choosing something else.

In gratitude:)


Spiritual Life Coach


Self Mastery Teacher


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